Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why does the heart have to love? Why does there have to be heart ache? Why is my question of the day? Why  why why must I say. Here I go speaking my mind. Here I go crying one more time. For no reason at all. Just to let the tears flow from my eyes down my cheeks.
I think its cause I want to be with her. I think it cause we are so far away. Only hoping I will be with her someday soon. I think I am falling in love with her. Yes I am saying it out loud. Even though we have never met in person. Can that really happen. Falling in love with someone you have only text and talked to on the phone. I hope its not my mind and heart playing tricks on me once again. Thinking I love someone or have feelings for someone that I can not have. Or that does not want me. But I know she wants me well that is what I have been told anyways.. I guess when I can make it out to see her I will know for sure. Till that day my heart will ache for someone that I only want to be with and hold.
She is holding my heart in her hands not knowing that she is. Only to make me want her more and more every time we speak or text. I just hope my heart doesn't break one more time before we get to meet. Not sure if I can take it being broken anymore.

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